My name is Ariful Islam Sajib. A passionate Software Engineer and MERN stack web developer. Looking forward to bringing that passion to a full-time role. I always try to learn new things every day.
Comfortable: React JS, Express JS, Node JS, MongoDb, Redux, RTK query, Firebase Authentication, TypeScript, JavaScript, Java, HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind, Bootstrap and Rest API.
Familier: Next JS, Stripe, React Testing Library, Microsoft SQL Server and Python Django
Tools: Github, Git, VS Code, Chrome Dev tool, Atom, Heroku and Netlify.
Always ready to prove myself through my work and responsibility. I am comfortable learning any new technologies if needed. To establish myself as an outstanding performer, discovering something new every single day is one of my favorite parts of being a high-level programmer.
A representation of my proficiency in each skill
Used in Most of my work based project
Used it in almost every full stack projects
Used it in almost every full stack projects
Used it in almost every full stack projects
Used on some projects where needed.
Used in many web based projects
Used it a lot for building websites
Used it a lot for building websites
Used it a lot for building websites
© Copyright by Ariful Islam